I need hostesses

Services of Planeta Advertising

Planeta Advertising is a marketing and communication agency that presents its Department of Hostesses, Promoters and Events Staff all over Spain and Portugal. In consta, ent search to solve clients requirements, Planeta Advertising offers Events Staff for tradeshows, congresses, conventions, products launchings, promotion campaings...

A professional team backs this idea, with quality, the elegance  and the commitment to customers. Planeta Advertising provides: Hostesses for Tradeshows and Congresses, Models, Promoters, Waiters,...

Besides, Planeta Advertising has a wide variety of products and services focused to make a success of your marketing actions. Merchandising, Corporate Gifts, Events Organization, Marketing & Communication, Corporate Image, Advertising agent, to offer global solution to your needs.

Planeta Advertising knows the communication and marketing actions from a global point of view, and cares up to the minimum detail, in search of the highest standards in quality and excellence services.

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