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Services of Grupo Anti-Sinistro

The Group ANTI-SINISTER G.A.S., and the technical and operational team of the C.T.A. S-ANTI-SINISTER TRAINING CENTER which is a company specialized in the area of fire safety. The group that nasseu see the nessecidade to provide a greater knowledge on a subject yet so little known the S.C. I//S.B.V.-APH. I/ID, P.C. And we know that at any moment it can happen an emergency and for that and need to be prepared. For this knowledge we have all the G.A.S. a technical equipment apparatus highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in tracking and other factors all with a primary goal of preparing people to learn how to give a quick and objective response to emergency. SOME SERVICES OFFERED BY THE C.T.A. S:-OPERATIONAL COVERAGE OF PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY EVENTS. -TECHNICAL ADVICE ON FIRE BRIGADES. -TRAINING OF VOLUNTEERS. -CIPA-NR. 05. -AMONG OTHERS. For further information, please contact us BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE the greatest joy in ATENDELO. Phone: (085) 3231-3281. CEL. (* 0 * 85) 9932-3469. NEXTEL: 7811-9598. Email: gas.emergencia@gmail.com

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