Events currently taking place Page 6

Expo Coleccionistas México 2012
Expo Coleccionistas México 2012

From to

Centro de Exposiciones y Convenciones World Trade Center
Mexico City, Mexico

Collectors, Entertainment, Comic, Collecting, Leisure

Classic Motor Sabadell 2012
Classic Motor Sabadell 2012

From to

Fira Sabadell
Sabadell, Spain

Automobile, Entertainment, Motorbikes, Car parts, Collecting, Old cars, Leisure, Antiques

Arteclásica 2012
Arteclásica 2012

From to

Centro Costa Salguero
Buenos Aires, Argentina

contemporary art, Modern Art, Collecting, Art gallery, Artistas, Art

Antiquaris Barcelona 2012
Antiquaris Barcelona 2012

From to

Fira Barcelona - Montjuic
Barcelona, Spain

Collectors, contemporary art, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques, Art

Milanofil 2012
Milanofil 2012

From to

Fiera Milano City
Milan, Italy

Collecting, Notebooks, Leisure, Books

Antiquus 2012
Antiquus 2012

From to

Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Teruel
Teruel, Spain

Collectors, Jewels, Paint, Sculpture, Collecting, Antiques

Fira Disc Reus 2012
Fira Disc Reus 2012

From to

Fira de Reus - Palau de Fires i Congressos
Reus, Spain

Crafts, Modern Art, Collecting, Jewellery, Home, Leisure, Antiques, Art

Antigua 2012
Antigua 2012

From to

IFAB. Instittución Ferial de Albacete
Albacete, Spain

Furniture, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques

Antiqua Genova 2012
Antiqua Genova 2012

From to

Fiera di Genova
Genova, Italy

Collectors, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques